I’ve had a bit of fun with the musicians at mgpc about the whole ‘spirit keys’ thing.
Music playing in the background during preaching, prayers (seldom the announcements, I note).
Bob Kauflin rhetorically asks ‘Should We Play Music Behind People Praying?’
I say ‘rhetorically’ because his answer is pretty much ‘yes’ and then he goes on to outline his guiding principles for the practice.
I’d still like to know that my emotional response to a sermon or prayer has been because of my understanding of that which has been said, not because I’ve been conditioned to feel a certain way by particular music chords.
Kauflin will be in Australia later this year, participating in an evangelical Christian music conference.
Should We Play Music Behind People Praying? is an insight into his theology of music.

3 thoughts on “Sound Track For A Worship Service? (via Bob Kauflin)

  1. Bob Kauflin says:

    Gary, thanks for these thoughts. I realized after I read them that I wasn’t clear enough in my original post. I edited my post in a way that I hope will clarify where I’m coming from. I completely agree that we want people to be sure they’re responding to God’s truth and Spirit and not simply musical stimulation. But I don’t think that means music and words/settings can’t work together rather than being pitted against each other.

    Perhaps we can chat when I’m down under?

    Thanks for using your blog to magnify the glory of our great Savior.

    1. gjware says:

      Bob ~
      Thanks for the response and kind words.
      I’ve put up another post on the blog directing folk to your post and providing a few more of my ideas.
      (If you look on a map, you’ll see that Mount Gambier’s a bit off the beaten path, so I don’t know about being in Sydney or Brisbane in October, but I’m sure plenty of my friends will be there.)

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