Last month he suggested Kevin Rudd was to blame for Queensland’s floods.
Now, as Cyclone Yasi bears down on the Queensland Coast Danny Naliah and his Catch The Fire Ministries want to blame Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Senator Bob Brown.
Now you may want to hold them to account for floundering leadership and wacky policies, but the notion that God has sent a cyclone to ruin the lives of people based on lives and decisions of people they have nothing to do with is closer to animism or paganism than Christianity.

2 thoughts on “More Sub-Christian Analysis From Danny Naliah

  1. Basil says:

    Naliah’s post on Kevin Rudd was clearly absurd.
    I’m not sure if you have actually read the press release that you quote in this post. There is only one reference to cyclone Yasi in the release. I quote:
    “Now we have a new crisis brewing in the seas of Australia with Cyclone Bianca in WA just passing through, and Cyclone Yasi in QLD. How many more disasters will it take before our nation, starting from the Prime Minister, would fall on our knees and ask for God’s protection and turn back to Him?”
    While it does make reference to Gillard and Brown, there is no sense of any blame for the cyclone. Rather there is an expressing regret that we do not have leaders who will acknowledge the need for prayer in such times of crisis. Little wrong with that at face value.

    1. gjware says:

      Hey Basil,
      Good to know you’re still reading.
      I read it again, (yeah, again), and took “Now we have a new crisis brewing in the seas of Australia with Cyclone Bianca in WA just passing through, and Cyclone Yasi in QLD. How many more disasters will it take before our nation, starting from the Prime Minister, would fall on our knees and ask for God’s protection and turn back to Him?” as a continuing link between disasters occuring and the spiritual state and lifestyle of Gillard and Brown. I just don’t accept the linkage.
      I don’t accept the idea that the nation was ‘back to Him’ during Howard’s, Keating’s, Hawke’s, Fraser’s, Whitlam’s or Menzies’ leadership. This is not a biblical framework of expression.
      What I’d really want to hear from Naliah is the biblical message of the universal frailty of human life and the need for us all take refuge in God’s mercy extended to us through Christ.

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